Tuition is charged on a monthly basis. The amount per month may vary depending on the number of lessons that are scheduled. Check the Billing section below for more details on how to pay for tuition.
Click here to view the lesson rates and fees.
2021-2022 Studio Calendar
SK Piano Studio is a private piano studio that does not follow an academic school calendar, but runs all year long, including the summer.
However, the studio observes the following breaks:
Thanksgiving Break November 25, 2021 – November 28, 2021
Christmas and Winter Break December 17, 2021 – January 2, 2022
Students are not charged for the aforementioned breaks. Make-up lessons for these dates will not be required nor provided.
The studio will remain open on all other federal holidays (subject to change based upon the teacher’s schedule). However, the student may choose to cancel a lesson that falls on one. Such an optional cancellation should be notified to the teacher before the invoice is sent out for the month in which that federal holiday occurs, so that a make-up lesson will not be needed. Additionally, said cancellation will not count as one of the two “canceled” lessons allowed per school year. (See below for Canceled vs. Missed Lessons)
The studio calendar is also based on the availability of the teacher’s schedule. The teacher, who is a concertizing performer, may have events or trips that will be taken during the year. These dates will be announced at least one month in advance, and the student will not be charged for which the teacher will not be available.
Canceled vs. Missed Lessons
The student will not be charged for a “canceled” lesson. The studio allows a student to cancel up to two (2) lessons per school year to match mid-winter recess/spring break plans if notified before the 15th of the previous month of when the “canceled” lesson is used. These canceled lessons are fully excused and the student will not be charged for these lessons, and thus, make-up lessons will not be required nor provided. Furthermore, “canceled” lessons cannot be rolled over to the following school year even if they are not used.
The student will be charged for a “missed” lesson; however, the student will be granted a make-up lesson in place of the missed lesson for no additional charge, up to a maximum of three (3) “missed” lessons a per-calendar year. ”Missed” lessons must be notified within at least a 48-hour period. Additionally, if more than three (3) lessons are missed, the studio has no obligation to schedule any more make-up lessons.
Excessive number of canceled and missed lessons beyond the limitations stated above will lead to (1) first, a warning, then (2) a formal termination of lessons by the teacher (see last section below for Termination of Lessons by the Teacher).
Make-up Lessons
Students are expected to make it a priority to attend all of their lessons. While the studio provides up to three (3) make-up lessons for “missed” lessons per year, a refund for any portion of the tuition will not be provided. Additionally, unused pre-paid tuition cannot be rolled over to future months during the school year. The only exception to this can be made during summer months.
If the student will be missing a lesson for any reason, he or she must notify the teacher as soon as possible (at the very least a 48-hour notice) to schedule a make-up lesson. In the case of an emergency or illness that cannot be notified within the 48-hour period, a make-up lesson may be provided at the teacher’s discretion.
Inclement Weather
Inclement weather that proves to be hazardous and unsafe for the teacher or student traveling may be rescheduled due to emergency at the discretion of the teacher. Make-up lessons will be provided in such a scenario, for no additional cost, and without counting toward the aforementioned limit of three (3) make-up lessons for “missed” lessons. Make-up lessons can be in the form of in-person or virtual lessons, depending on the availability of the teacher’s schedule.
Summer Months
Summer is defined as the period between the last day of one school year and the first day of the following school year, which can vary depending on the school in which the student is enrolled. While lessons continue to run during the summer, students are allowed to take as much time off as needed as long as they notify the teacher of the applicable dates before the 15th of the previous month. Tuition will continue to be charged on a monthly basis given the applicable dates during this period. Tuition is non-refundable and any unused lessons cannot be rolled over to the next invoice.
The invoice for a given month is sent out by e-mail on the 15th of the previous month, and payments are to be received on or before the 25th of the month the invoice was sent. There is a late fee of $40 if payment is not received by the 1st of the following month.
Payment Options
The studio provides three different payment options to pay for the monthly tuition.
By Venmo: @sherrykim92 - write the month the tuition payment is for on the description box.
By Paypal: sherrykimpianostudio@gmail.com – you must link your Paypal account to a checking account to avoid any transactional fees from Paypal.
By Zelle: 702-882-0227
Only digital payments are accepted in the studio. If this is an issue, please contact Sherry.
Studio Recitals
Studio Recitals are special highlights during the year to showcase the performances of students. They provide students with further incentives to practice hard and excel to the best of their ability. Recitals greatly boost self-esteem and confidence levels in all students and reinforce performing habits made by quality pianists.
Studio Recitals occur twice a year: a Fall Recital in November and a Spring Recital in May.
Studio Recitals are typically held at Steinway Hall in Manhattan. Studio Recitals will be returning to in-person in the 2021-2022 school year. All in-person recitals will follow all Covid-19 protocols as set by the venue as well as CDC.
A non-refundable Recital fee of $30 per student ($45 for families with multiple students enrolled) per student, per recital, which will be added to the invoice of the month the recital occurs. For virtual recitals, there is a discounted non-refundable Recital fee of $15 per student, and $25 for families with multiple students enrolled.
The participation of students in these recitals is highly recommended, but not required. Those who wish to opt out of the Studio Recital must notify the teacher before the 15th of the previous month so that the Recital fee will not be charged. Students who have signed up to participate must attend and perform (unless there is a family emergency or illness).
All performances (with the exception of duets with another student) must be memorized. Memorizing ensures the utmost mastery of the students’ piece(s).
Studio Class Performances
A hybrid between a recital and a workshop, studio class performances give students extra opportunities to perform for their peers as well as participate in group musical activities in a casual setting. Studio classes will remain on Zoom for the 2021-2022 school year.
Location: virtual, on Zoom
Participation fee: $15/student for Elementary and Junior classes; $30/student for Senior classes
Expectation: at least 1 piece ready to perform and willingness to participate in group activities
Dress code: casual
Other Performance Opportunities – Star Performer Award
Besides Studio Recitals and Studio Class Performances, the studio encourages students to participate in local, state, regional, national, and international competitions and festivals to obtain more opportunities to perform. There are also various music examinations (generally consisting of theory and performance) provided in the tri-state area that students can prepare and participate in. The teacher will determine the student’s readiness to be able to participate in these extracurricular music events.
Agreeing to prepare for extracurricular music events require a high level of determination and a serious practice schedule to be able to produce favorable results. If the teacher sees that the student is unable to meet these requirements, the teacher may at any time withdraw the student from such event.
The wonderful thing about participating in any sort of performance opportunity is that it opens the eyes of the student as he or she becomes more aware of what the music world is like by listening and witnessing performances of students from other studios and schools. Often times, students can become highly motivated to practice harder simply from watching their peers. It is a great learning tool that can only be developed outside the comfort of one’s own home and studio.
Students who perform at least five times (not including the bi-annual studio recitals) will receive a Star Performer Award in the form of a trophy at the SK Piano Studio Spring Recital. The number of outside performances are counted from the day after the spring recital until the day of the next spring recital.
In-Person Lesson Procedures
If a student comes to the teacher’s studio for lessons, the student must show up five minutes early to start on time.
If the teacher is coming to the student’s home, he or she must be ready to start upon arrival. Furthermore, the noise level must be brought down and there must be ample lighting to ensure the most optimal working space for the student. If the student’s home has a pet, the pet must be kept in a location that would not distract the teacher and student during the lesson.
It is absolutely important to bring all books and notebooks to lessons. A lesson can be wasted when the proper material is not readily available. Failure to bring materials is not grounds for a make-up lesson.
Parents are encouraged to watch the lessons of their child(ren) for the sake of being able to support their child(ren) better during the week. Parents who do choose to watch the lessons are not allowed to interrupt the teacher and the student.
Virtual Lesson Procedures
Virtual lessons are generally conducted over FaceTime. In the case that an Apple device is not available for use, there are other virtual platforms that can be used, such as Zoom and Skype.
Devices with larger screens (like laptops and tablets) are highly encouraged; however, using phones is acceptable. It is crucial for the device to be firmly planted on the side of the instrument to provide a full-length view of the keyboard and view of majority of the student’s body, especially the hands and face. Camera should be at a horizontal angle. It is also important that devices are fully charged prior to the lesson.
In the case the teacher does not have access to the music the student is learning, the student is responsible for sending scanned copies of the music prior to the lesson.
Virtual lessons require adult supervision for students who are ages 6 and younger to make the lessons run smoothly. In the event that a technological or logistical error occurs, the adult can provide assistance in that area to the child.
Lesson notes from the teacher are scanned and emailed to the parent after every lesson. It is important that lesson notes are printed out immediately so that the student has access to the weekly assignments and goals.
There are no discounted fees for virtual lessons. Make-up lesson policy also applies to virtual lessons.
Preparing for Lessons
Students should come prepared to the best of their ability to all of their lessons. They can do this by completing the assignments indicated in their notebooks.
Students are expected to practice on a daily basis. If lessons are 30 minutes long, the student is expected to practice, at minimum, 30 minutes a day. If lessons are 60 minutes long, the student is expected to practice, at a minimum, 60 minutes a day. These are very general guidelines to follow, so the teacher can at any time specify the length and commitment further to the student during their lessons. Practice sessions may be increased in length in the weeks prior to a major performance.
Parents should support their child(ren) by continuously reminding them to practice on a daily basis. They can also help by listening to their progress and further explaining the notes the teacher has written. Parental support is necessary and incredibly helpful for all students, no matter their age or level.
Gauging Student’s Progress – Student of the Year Award
Students’ progresses are determined by the number of pieces mastered. This number is recorded in the form of a personal sticker chart. Generally, one sticker equals one piece. The following are a list of additional rules set in place:
Half a sticker for a piece 8 measures or less.
One sticker for a piece 9-16 measures long.
Two stickers for a piece 17-32 measures long.
Three stickers for a piece 33-48 measures long.
An additional sticker is added for every 16 measures. Eight is the maximum number of stickers given for any piece that exceeds the maximum number of measures.
At every bi-annual studio recital, the Top 2 students with the most number of stickers will be awarded a Student of the Year trophy. The number of stickers will be reset after each studio recital. Additionally, students are able to receive a personal prize worth $15 or less from Amazon for every quarter milestone they reach (25, 50, 75, 100 stickers).
Students should aim to receive a minimum of 25 stickers per every six months to remain a student at SK Piano Studio. This amounts to an average of 1 sticker per lesson. In comparison, the top 2 students generally receive over 100 stickers in a given six-month period. In the case that a student receives less than 25 stickers, they will first receive a “Needs Improvement” report card (in the form of an email) to the student’s parent(s), and will be given a final chance to meet the minimum requirement in the next six months. If the student receives less than 25 stickers for two consecutive six-month periods, the teacher has the right to terminate the student’s lessons.
New students who start in the middle of a six-month period are exempt from the above requirement, but are still able to collect stickers for personal prizes.
The beginning of a six-month period starts the day after a bi-annual studio, and ends on the day of the following bi-annual recital.
Students who have access to an iPad will be able to take full advantage of Sproutbeat, a fun and new way to complete music theory assignments and games. The teacher assigns music worksheets to the student, and the student turns in the finished assignment back to the teacher -- all digitally! SproutBeat boasts an extensive library of worksheets, with over 1500 pages to choose from, so students won't have to ever re-do a page.
Students who prefer to work on assignments away from a device can do so by printing out the worksheets that I assign them, although this is not recommended as it creates more work for all parties. Students can then send screenshots of their completed assignments for the teacher to grade.
For more information on how to sign-up your child(ren) for Sproutbeat, please email Sherry at sherrykimpianostudio@gmail.com.
Ordering Music
The teacher will email the parents and provide links to buy music books and other materials online when the need arises. The student and/or parent(s) is/are responsible for buying necessary materials in a timely manner.
Buying or Renting a Piano/Keyboard
The minimum requirement to be able to take piano lessons is to have an instrument ready on which to practice and learn. While the student can start on a small keyboard, depending on the speed of his or her progress, he or she will outgrow it and will require a better-suited instrument.
If you would like to buy a digital keyboard to last 1-2 years, please make sure it has the following at the very minimum:
1. 88 keys (this is the full-size of a piano)
2. Weighted keys (provides the performer to be more sensitive to the touch)
3. Damper pedal (this is used a great deal in intermediate and advanced repertoire)
Ideally, the best kind of piano instrument on which to practice and learn is an acoustic (non-digital) piano. It can be in the form of an upright piano (the pianos that lean against the wall) or a grand piano (the most optimal instrument). In local piano stores, there are options to not only buy the instrument but also to rent in case you are not sure about making the commitment to invest.
If you would like specific recommendations on certain brands or models, or local piano stores to visit, please email sherrykimpianostudio@gmail.com.
If you wish for your child(ren) to participate in more serious performances like competitions and exams, it is very important that they get an acoustic piano as early into their musical studies as possible. Students who begin on an acoustic piano from the start get to develop a strong technical foundation which will bring the greatest success to their musical journey. Students who transition into an acoustic piano after several years of using a digital keyboard will experience months of undoing old habits. Nevertheless, it is better to switch to an acoustic piano than to never switch at all. To get the most bang for your buck on piano lessons, invest in a proper instrument for your child(ren).
Termination of Lessons by the Student
Should the student and/or parent decide(s) to terminate lessons at any time during the year, the studio requires a two-week notice to be sent to sherrykimpianostudio@gmail.com. No refunds will be provided for the following month’s tuition if notice is not provided at least two weeks in advance.
Termination of Lessons by the Teacher
A note from the teacher: I deeply care for each and every student I work with and their families. I value personal relationships and look forward to growing together as they become a part of my extended family. Nevertheless, the studio reserves the right to terminate a student’s lessons for the following reasons:
1. Failure to pay monthly lessons timely and in full;
2. Inappropriate behavior from the student and/or parent(s) including, but not limited to: defamation, constant swearing and unnecessarily raising voices, and other behavior as deemed inappropriate by the teacher;
3. Extreme inconsistency in attending piano lessons (at the discretion of the teacher);
4. Extreme inconsistency in practicing for piano lessons (at the discretion of the teacher);
5. Not meeting the minimum 25-sticker requirement per every six-month period for two consecutive six-month periods.
As a form of courtesy, an e-mail will be sent to the student and/or parent explaining the situation in the event that any of the aforementioned occurs. Failure to respond appropriately thereafter will result in the termination of the student’s lessons by the teacher.